Stay vigilant! Warning about fake requests for identity verification and sharing financial data

In the face of the rising number of online scams that pose a threat to digital security, we want to emphasize the importance of conscious actions in the online space and appeal for special caution in your daily Internet activities.

As a company operating in the field of modern technologies, we are committed to educating our community about the best practices for ensuring online security. We want to highlight how important it is for every internet user to be aware of both the methods used by cybercriminals (e.g., through fake websites) and ways to avoid such threats.

Fake websites are created by scammers to extract confidential personal data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other information that allows for identity theft or financial loss. These sites mimic real websites (e.g., banks or financial intermediaries) and can be promoted through fake emails, links in SMS messages, or through infected advertisements on other websites. They often have URLs similar to existing pages, but, for example, there might be an additional letter or an unusual suffix in the address such as ".wx" instead of the more common ".pl" or ".com".

We urge all users and clients to remain vigilant and encourage avoiding interactions with suspicious sites.

Additionally, we recommend thoroughly checking the authenticity of websites and verifying the entities that claim to collaborate with a given company. Scammers often also mimic investment firms, trying to extract financial or personal information. It is important to pay special attention to any unusual behaviors or offers that may seem too good to be true, or that you encounter in a completely unexpected way.

How to prevent and recognize fraud attempts?

To protect yourself from attempts to extract your data, remember the following rules:

  • Be cautious when you provide your sensitive data.
  • Always think before clicking on anything, especially when you receive unexpected email or SMS messages asking you to share your data from unknown and untrustworthy senders.
  • Before clicking a link in an email or opening an attachment, verify the sender.
  • Try copying the addresses given into the browser manually instead of clicking on direct links in messages—the link might lead to a different address than the one graphically recorded.
  • If using a service requires you to share confidential data, verify the company or provider. Remember that attackers often impersonate actual institutions, such as your known money transfer operators or other legally operating companies. If you have suspicions, contact the company using data from its official website found in the browser.
  • If possible, in case of any doubts about the sender of a message, verify the information received through alternative contact channels.

There are also other preventive measures and tips to recognize fraud attempts. We encourage you to visit the government information page where you can find more information about phishing and how to protect yourself from online scams: