¡Mantén la vigilancia! Advertencia sobre solicitudes falsas de verificación de identidad y compartir datos financieros

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Marta Tomaszkiewicz Marketing Manager at Kontomatik
Marta Tomaszkiewicz
Marketing Manager

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Zachowaj czujnosc
Zachowaj czujność! Ostrzeżenie przed fałszywymi prośbami o weryfikację tożsamości i udostępnianie danych finansowych

W obliczu rosnącej liczby oszustw internetowych, które stanowią zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego, pragniemy podkreślić wagę świado...

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Bartosz Pundyk joins Kontomatik as Head of Growth
Bartosz Pundyk joins Kontomatik as Head of Growth

Bartosz Pundyk, a sales and fintech expert with over 15 years of experience in the financial sector, has just joined the Kontomatik team as

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Iga Sikorska
Iga Sikorska moves from Experian to Kontomatik and becomes the Head of the analytical solutions department

Iga Sikorska PhD, who has served as leader of the Decision Analytics Experian team in Central and Eastern Europe since has just taken on...

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PSD2 jest z nami od 3 lat. Co udało się osiągnąć, a co trzeba poprawić?
Press release
PSD2 jest z nami od 3 lat. Co udało się osiągnąć, a co trzeba poprawić?

Mijają 3 lata od momentu, od którego zaczęły obowiązywać wymogi wobec banków, określone w nowelizacji ustawy o usługach płatniczych...

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Czy Polacy korzystają z Otwartej Bankowości? Raport
Press release
Czy Polacy korzystają z Otwartej Bankowości? Raport

Skrót PSD2 czy nawet termin Otwarta Bankowość „przeciętnemu Kowalskiemu” mówi zapewne niewiele, choć być może korzysta on z usług na nich...

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open banking became the perfect tool for a post-Covid world
Press release
How open banking became the perfect tool for a post-Covid world

The digitization of the financial sector was on the horizon long before the COVID-19 pandemic, but the outbreak in 2020, along with the ...

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Join Kontomatik’s first ‘Hackomatik’

Kontomatik is organizing its first-ever hackathon next month for a group of talented, tech-savvy participants...

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Full financial transparency
Press release
Simpl.rent introduces a new standard of tenant screening to the Polish market

Renting a property is a transaction worth several, and sometimes even tens of thousands of zlotys a year

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Kontomatik provides stable and secure connections with banks through AP
Press release
Amadeus Capital Partners & Runa Capital invest in Kontomatik, the Polish fintech disrupting open banking

Warsaw, Poland – 16.09.2020 - Runa Capital, Amadeus Capital Partners

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Open banking opens many possibilities to improve services and bring benefits
Press release
Open banking and data building a new level of user experience in e-commerce

Rentchester fills the gap between buying furniture and renting an already-furnished house

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The next step bases on Kontomatik machine learning-based data analytics
How Smartney created an exceptional user experience with open banking

Smartneys' goal is to make their clients' lives easier and provide them with the most suitable offer

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Customers expect an intuitive and fluid experience
Matching people who have money with those who need them via technology.

Kviku makes online lending fast, safe, and simple for consumers.

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This is not the first license obtained by Kontomatik.
Kontomatik with AISP status from Polish Financial Supervision Authority

On 27th September Kontomatik sp. z o.o was listed into the register of AISP kept by Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

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